> I had an intuition for their needs and the things that they would complain about, and those intuitions controlled me

This is such an important insight. When a bureaucrat has accumulated a decade of scar tissue, they internalize boundaries which they can not fully articulate, much less provide specific evidence for, much less reason about the fuzzy edges of. That can become an enormous constraint on someone else trying to change the system.

It is not a moral judgment on those bureaucrats, and I think it is pretty similar to how many people have to learn and question the boundaries of acceptable behavior that they culturally inherit from their parents.

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Ah yeah this is a great way of looking it!

This is really hard because often it will be a vey mixed bag. Many of those learnt intuitions do contains very important info. Having an instinct for who and what matters is part of what makes an experienced managers valuable.

An yeah - this does generalise! Figuring out which of your instincts to trust when seems like a primary challenge of any complex social environment.

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